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Sunday School

Sunday School if a fun environment for children to learn about their faith using arts, crafts, Lego and music. 


Sunday School starts at 10:00am in the Church Hall every Sunday except when the Family All-age Worship service takes place. The session usually lasts between 30-45 minutes before joining the main congregation for communion. 


Each group uses material produced by our talented Sunday school teachers with fun new and exciting ways to encouraging the children to meet have fun and worship God through the story of the Bible and prayer.

Each session will usually have a story to begin followed with a time of prayer and then craft/ activities, most session usually end with singing accompanied by guitar music. 

Interested in Attending Sunday School?

If you're interested in your children attending our Sunday School, please get in touch using the details on the Contact page and we'll put you in contact with one of our Sunday School Coordinator, who'll be happy to answer any questions.

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